Thursday, July 19, 2012

Vapor barrier, ceiling drywall, and more

With the insulation in, I could now get the vapor barrier on the wall.  I think 4mil plastic sheeting is allowed, but I went with the 6mil.  Thicker, and because of that, I think was easier to install than the 4mil would have been.  Sunday afternoon, my good friend Doctor Rob came over to help me get it cut and stapled into place.    Wasn't too difficult, just bulky, trying to move around a room with an 8'x20' plastic sheet.  We got it stapled up in place, cut around the outlets and windows, and sealed the holes with red sheathing tape.

Also, with plumbing approval, I was now allowed to get drywall on the ceiling.  I've been looking forward to that ever since the ceiling was opened to the attic.  We're headed for another week of 90+ temps, meaning 120-130 in the attic.  My plan had been to tear out the drywall on the ceiling 8' back from the window, and install 11'x8' fresh drywall.  I wanted to do this, to avoid any inconsistencies in the finish between the old and the new.  That would have made a huge mess, with all the insulation coming down into the kitchen, more drywall (in perfectly good condition, mind you) to throw out, etc.  In the end, I went the "lazy" route and just replaced the drywall where the soffit was removed.  I figure I'm going to have to tape and mud everything anyway, I can just skim coat the existing drywall ceiling and make it match.  We'll see shortly if this was a good decision, or a bad decision on my part!

Tuesday night, with the help of my lovely wife, and some T-braces for holding the drywall in place, we are back to having a ceiling!  I used drywall adhesive, in addition to screws.  I'm hoping for a nice, strong hold.  I just need to get back up in the attic and spread insulation back over the new drywall.

With the ceiling on, I moved on to the last interior wall that I can drywall before the insulation inspection.  This is the wall between the 1/2 and full bath, and the kitchen, where the stove and microwave will be located.  Just one hole to cut for the microwave outlet, more drywall adhesive and screws...  And that was it for Tuesday night.

Two for one deal: Vapor barrier and drywall.
Drywall inspector cat.

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